Sunday, July 11, 2010

New Issue Out Now

Issue 98 of Fashion Journal hit the streets of Australia last Friday. If you haven't had a chance to check it out yet, head down to your favourite boutique and pick up a copy. Not sure where we are stocked? - email and we'll help you find one. Here's a little sneak peak of what's inside.

We are currently welcoming submissions for issue 99 - out 3rd September. Email us if you'd like to be involved or to find out how you can contribute.

We'll be drawing the FlexiFlats competition later this week - there's still plenty of time to enter. We've got so many more giveaways and competitions coming up over the next few weeks, so please stay tuned.

We are also about to reach a massive milestone - our 100th issue. If you have any ideas on how we should celebrate please comment away.

We hope you love the new issue.

FJ x


  1. wow those photos look amazing!
    i'd like to contribute if you need any guerilla style photographers.
    and for the 100th issue, maybe you guys can do a thing on gypsy/punks, the trend of beach hair, dip dye hair, denim and studs is something you see a lot on the streets (in melbourne at lease) or something along the lines of the film 'lords of dogtown'
    i think that could be cool

  2. yeah i dont think thats a good idea i think for the 100th issue the direction needs to be foward thinking rather than the current mainstream and dated trends of "studs, denim" , bleached hair. The gypsy trend/punk is 3 seasons ago. The only reason they are on the streets of melbourne is because they have been filtered down from the paris runway shows of much older seasons trend. Please make the 100th issue a taste into what the future of fashion will hold. Fashion is becoming much more daring in current seasons and also in street style. Give us more of an insight into that rather than the thoughtless commercial crap that "wannabe indie" individuals parade around in.
